NunSlaughter - "Red is the Color of Ripping Death" CD

Obtained from Don of the Dead
Released by Hell's Headbangers Records in 2021, this is the latest full-length album from the legendary Devil Metal group.
Nunslaughter need no introduction. They are true legends of the USA underground.
"'Red is the Color of Ripping Death' is the band's first album in seven years. Many are still mourning the loss of legendary drummer Jim Sadist (RIP), and while Red is the Color of Ripping Death is their first full-length without him playing on it, some of the 14 songs contained herein are unfinished / unrealized music that Jim and founding frontman Don of the Dead wrote years ago. Just as importantly, this album comprises material newly written with NUNSLAUGHTER's current lineup, which is arguably the band's best to date. And hearing is believing: over the course of the album's 35 minutes, it becomes immediately apparent that NUNSLAUGHTER are a really good - and really ripping - DEATH METAL band above all. Largely gone (or least sublimated) is the hardcore punk influence, and in its place is an absolutely furious onslaught of catchiness and causticness. Armed with the best-sounding production on a NUNSLAUGHTER record ever, not to mention Don of the Dead reaching new heights/depths of maniacal perversity, Red is the Color Ripping Death truly brings the band to a different level of Devil Metal."
Yeah, I'm obviously a big fan of Nunslaughter having worked with them a couple of times over the years on 2 different releases. I love their classick albums and EPs, but this new one really delivered when it came out. Wasn't sure what to expect but it FUCKING DELIVERED!!! True underground legends and this proves it. Trends come and go and NUNSLAUGHTER REMAINS!!!!!!