SEXCREMENT - "Sloppy Seconds" CD

Obtained directly from the band members
SEXCREMENT were a staple of the Massachusetts brutal death metal scene back in the early-to-mid 2000s. They featured members of Terminally Your Aborted Ghost, Bacterial Husk, Goratory, Dysentery, Internal Bleeding, Scattered Remnants, etc.
"Sloppy Seconds" was their aptly titled second (and final) album, released in 2012 by the legendary brutal death metal label Comatose Music.
Thematically the band never took itself too seriously with its perverse humor, but musically they truly were one of the best of the scene at the time. They had a unique sound unlike any others. They weren't just another Chris Barnes-era CC knock off. They were doing their own thing. And they were doing it well!!
Maybe the silliness of their name, album covers, and song titles prevented them from becoming more of a household name. Who knows? But it's not too late to rediscover just how sick this band was.
FFO: Gorguts, The Red Chord, Bacterial Husk