Trollcave - "Adoration of the Abyssal Trespasser" cassette **PREORDER**

Gurgling Gore is honored to unleash the official cassette version of "Adoration of the Abyssal Trespasser" — the 2024 MLP by Spain's necrotic death doom ambassadors TROLLCAVE.
Previously only available on vinyl (Me Saco Un Ojo) and CD (Blackseed Productions), this official cassette version is strictly limited to 100 copies. Shipping worldwide!
⛓️Bright Blue Shells
⛓️White Imprint
⛓️4-Panel Insert
⛓️31+ Min Runtime
⛓️Bandcamp Code
⛓️Limited to 100
RELEASES 2/14/25
"Adoration of the Abyssal Trespasser manages to fit a wealth of funeral, death, and doom inside its oratorical atmosphere. One can imagine a decrepit priest with mouldered robes opening a cast-away work of apocrypha written in a dead language. I often like to use terminology like “rot” and “filth” when I write these short reviews, but I actually feel it for here, it’s not merely to create an impression. With their variety of effects, spacious echoes in particular, gurgling vocals, and enshrouded tones, Trollcave lingers and sticks to the skin like a pasty, malodorous rot. With some moments of truly unusual atmosphere, rife with dread, the experience is nightmarish, and often unexpected." - 4.7/ review by Deaf Sparrow